
Trustworthy AI

GW to Co-Lead New $20 Million NSF Artificial Intelligence Institute

The George Washington University is co-leading a multi-institutional effort supported by the National Science Foundation (NSF) to develop new artificial intelligence (AI) technologies designed to promote trust and mitigate risks while empowering and educating the public.




Professors Gate at GW

GW Introduces Public Interest Technology Scholars Program to Advance Civic-Minded Tech Conversations

March 8, 2024

Elliott School’s Susan Ariel Aaronson, CCAS’s Alexa Alice Joubin and SMPA’s David Karpf comprise the university’s inaugural PIT Scholars cohort.


TRAILS AI Institute Initiates Groundbreaking Research with Inaugural Seed Grants

February 5, 2024

TRAILS AI Institute announced eight grants, totaling just over $1.5 million, on Jan. 24. Each project is centered around one of TRAILS' primary research thrusts- participatory design, methods and metrics, evaluating trust and participatory governance.

Panelists during a discussion on Day 2 of the conference

Addressing Gaps in Data Governance to Promote Trust in Generative AI

December 20, 2023

The GW co-led NIST-NSF Institute for Trustworthy AI in Law & Society helped bring AI experts to GW to identify gaps in data governance for large language models and suggest and discuss ideas to address them in December 2023.

Sen. Brian Schatz

Public and Private Leaders Gather at GW for Athens Roundtable on AI and Rule of Law

December 5, 2023

GW Today shared an overview of the Athens Roundtable on Artificial Intelligence and the Rule of Law, a two-day summit hosted at the George Washington University on November 30 and December 1, 2023.

Participants of the workshop discussing

Operationalizing the Measure Function of the NIST AI Risk Management Framework

October 19, 2023

Experts in AI came together in the Science & Engineering Hall on Monday, October 16, and Tuesday, October 17 for a workshop to discuss how to meaningfully operationalize safe, functional AI systems.

All of the panelists pictured with GW Engineering Dean Lach, GW. President Granberg, and Provost & Executive Vice Present for Academic Affairs Bracey

GW Engineering Hosts Multidisciplinary Discussion on the Powers and Perils of AI

October 11, 2023

Faculty at GW are taking a holistic approach to AI research and education to address both its powers and perils, as demonstrated by the panel "The Multifaceted Landscape of AI" during the 2023 GW Alumni & Families Weekend.

Broniatowski Discusses AI Ethics and Regulations on Morning Wave in Busan

Broniatowski Discusses AI Ethics and Regulations on Morning Wave in Busan

June 22, 2023

Broniatowski Discusses AI Ethics and Regulations on Morning Wave in Busan

GW Experts Weigh In On White House AI Risk Mitigation Initiatives

GW Experts Weigh In: White House AI Risk Mitigation Initiatives

May 5, 2023

GW Experts Weigh In On White House AI Risk Mitigation Initiatives.


GW to Co-Lead New $20 million NSF Artificial Intelligence Institute

May 4, 2023

The institute will integrate broader participation in AI design, new technology and process development and more informed governance of AI-infused systems.



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